It was a perfect day for a wedding on September 15th! Rich's little sister Christina got married to a wonderful man, Alan, who the entire family adores. And we were honored to be standing up in the wedding for them as they became man and wife. I think we all cried - the ceremony was beautiful and the bride was breathtaking!!! We don't have any ceremony shots because we were both in the wedding, but below are some beautiful photos that captured the day. Congratulations to Christina and Alan as they begin a long, happy marriage!!!

Here's Christina getting ready for the wedding! About to go down the isle...

Dick and Alina - the proud parents of the bride!

Here are all the "little" cousins on the couch at the reception. Aren't they too cute? From left to right - Nicholas, Aidan, Quinn, Rachel and Ashley! They all seemed to enjoy the festivities, too!
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