It's amazing, but Rachel actually loves her broccoli! I first gave it to her last week and she ate it all up. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she loves this new green veggie - it's always nice to find something new that I can feed her, since she can be picky! And this is both good for her and one of her new favorites. So much of a favorite, I might add, that when she was eating her dinner and saw the broccoli that I brought out to the table to cool, she decidedly pushed her remaining dinner aside and refused to eat any more of it. All she wanted was that broccoli! And she cried until I gave it to her. Thankfully it cools quickly! And once it was on her tray, she ate it
up like it was candy. This made Mommy very happy. I am always glad to provide her with something she likes so much because it makes me smile.

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