While we were in the city of Leiden, we had so much fun visiting with our friends. Even though we don't get to see each other very often, it seems like we just pick right back up where we left off without missing a beat!
These are my two best dutch girlfriends - Janneke and Annelies! We have known each other for over 13 years! It was so fun to get together with them after so long... Annelies and Martijn are expecting their second baby in January and Annelies sure looks great! It was so fun to see her with the little baby bump. :) Here we are, sitting on the couch at her house after eating a delightful dutch spaghetti dinner!
Martijn carries both girls up to the house.
Martijn helping Annelies out by stirring the pot.
Here, Annelies' little girl Serra and Rachel are looking out the window at the busy city below. At one point, Serra put her arm around Rachel as they looked for a birdie! Sweet, huh?
Here Annelies and I pose for a shot with our little girls! Annelies is such a great mother and you can tell she and Martijn are doing such a great job with little Serra because she is such a lovely child. I wish we lived closer and could get our girls together more often!
We visited with the Desars, long time friends of the family. Rachel walked with her Opa and Mrs. Desar through their beautiful garden.
Here I am with my good friend Aad Otgaar! This is a shot from the city of Leiden with Serge, my father, me and Rachel.
Rachel and I after shopping in the city in front of the pond!
Corry, Jose, Serge and Rachel.
Corry and Leen reading a book with Rachel in their living room.